Bethel College’s Class of 2014 may be among the rare few who actually remember the commencement address.
That’s for at least two reasons -- it may have been the shortest ever and it was all in rhyme.
Commencement speaker Dale Schrag ’69, who retires at the end of June after 30 years at Bethel, most recently as campus pastor and director of church relations, is known to the campus community for many things.
One that the Concert Choir looked forward to almost every year was a recap of the spring break choir tour done completely in rhyme. Schrag decided to do the same with his commencement address, “Always be a Thresher.”
After starting in the usual way, by greeting “President White, faculty and staff, family and friends, and -- most importantly -- members of the Bethel College Class of 2014” and noting that he was “deeply honored to have been invited to address you on this auspicious occasion,” Schrag then proceeded:
“Commencement, we would all agree,/Is a very special time./But commencement addresses can sometimes be deadly,/So I’ll try to make this one rhyme.
“I’ll admit it’s a different way to proceed --/Perhaps a rhetorical trick./But I’m simply trying to do my best/To make these brief comments stick.”
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