With help from a local marketing agency, Bethel has developed a new tagline for admissions and other college promotional materials.
The new line is “Seek. Serve. Grow.” It was unveiled March 8 with an official announcement and campus-wide celebration.
“During late fall, we contracted with Armstrong/Shank [of Haysville], an agency that has worked with small, private colleges across the Midwest and with the Kansas Independent Colleges Association, to conduct a communications audit,” said Lori Livengood, vice president for marketing and communications.
Using the audit and existing research, including information gathered by the Committee on the Future of the College and “What is a Thresher?” questionnaires, Armstrong/Shank consultants presented “several benefits-oriented positioning lines” to focus groups Feb. 15.
The three focus groups were composed of prospective students, current students and faculty/staff. The result of the meetings, Livengood said, “was a greater understanding of overarching themes, types of photographs that effectively reinforce those themes, and a preferred positioning statement. Armstrong/Shank noted they were surprised when prospective and current student opinions were in nearly unanimous agreement with faculty and staff.”